Tuesday, June 16, 2009


在好奇心之下.... 不对不对.... 应该说在吃醋心之下.... 哈哈...
也不能说是很离谱或是...... 不懂如何解释啦... 总之呢对于我来说这是个满惊人的消息....
之前我很不明白为什么已经有女朋友了的男生可以如此亲密的跟别的女生拍照... 难道你就不顾虑你女朋友的感受吗??
虽然你们是朋友可是也应该适可而至吧... 我还以为是我太敏感... 原来并非每个人都能接受得来...
后来我无意中发现原来真的是他们太过分了.... 他们是已经分手了.... 原因是什么我就不是很清楚... 不过我觉得是那个男的"负"了他... 不是我有偏见.... 而是那个男的一和人家分手就和别的女生有亲密的照片.... 这未免太快了吧???! 你有看过这样的男生吗??(现在到处都是...)
之前听人家说那个男的很疼他... 女的虽然任性了一点不过还是很爱他... 我觉得他们真的很可惜....
哇!!!!!!! 我真的是越来越讨厌那个女的了!!!!!!!!! 说一句不好听的... 没脑!!!!
算了.... 也不关我的事... 只是不知道这种事情几时会发生在我身上.... 悲观一点有时候是让自己有多一点的心理准备.... 至少如果真的发生了我们不会不知怎么办才好....
无中生有..... 你听过吗??? 为何你偏偏要这样呢???

Friday, June 5, 2009


am i reali having holiday now????
it's sooooooo sien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARHHH!!!!!
ntg to do when free.... just can only on9... watch tv... then??? anythgelse???
unhealthy..... XD
ok.... now talk about my holiday schedule...
monday-practice.... 8am-12.30pm... @_@
tuesday-piano lesson....
wednesday-practice again.... haizz....
thursday-math tuition.... sien neh sitting there.... =_=
friday-woo~~ can relax this day... but gok ga sien!!! ntg to do at home... whole day on9 onli...
saturday-practice practice & practice lor..... yoy....
sunday-family day?? should be lah... but still da same location we go... where?? sunshine farlim lo.... @_@
sumtime quite enjoy when practice.... but 1 week 3 times e....
sumore we need to train from 8am-3pm on next mon.... x_X
20/6 gok ga charm... until 6pm....
yea.... my holiday reali quite pack leh.... no time for me to dating and shopping also....
in addition... i have no money too.... T_T sobx sobx... =(
finally i went to watch "angel & demons" d.... quite nice.... and interesting the story...
while "night at the museum" is sosososososo funny.... haha... i was not regret for watching it... haha... left 9 days more then will be re-skul again.... =(