Saturday, December 26, 2009





一个星期了。。。 我足足等了一个星期。。。
我不懂。。。 这种事是必然的呢还是不小心??

你们有你们的plan。。。 我们也有。。。
我们呢?? 像是傻婆一样。。。 跟着你们的时间围绕。。。

哈哈。。。 一个朋友教我的。。。
可是你做到了吗?? 加油啦。。。。 =)

我是“太有钱”了。。。 哈哈哈哈。。。。
可是我连这小小的心意都没有。。。 =(
(朋友们。。不要误会!! 哈哈。。。 我猜你们应该懂我在说什么。。)


看来大家真的要各奔前程了~~~ =(

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

惨不忍睹!!! ><

很想撞墙。。。。。 T_T
我要重读重考。。。。 =(
来不及了。。。。 我后悔了。。。。 haizz......
现在只希望不要考到太烂就好了。。。。 更不用说拿A!!!!
3个小时好像真的是不够。。。。 没有时间去思考。。。
如果说没有限时那该多好呢??? 哈哈哈哈!!! =.=

算啦算啦。。。。 大家 math2 加油吧!!! ^^

10 Dec 2009~~~~~~ waiting waiting~~~ ><

Sunday, October 4, 2009










Friday, October 2, 2009


办不到!!!快疯了。。。 @_@
一个曾经暗恋、喜欢过、及爱过这么多年的。。。 也试过思念过度而落泪的。。。
以为很容易。。。 体验了才惊觉不是。。。。。
他不是你的。。。 你不是他的。。。 他不可能成为你的。。。 你也再也不可能有他了。。。
追随着他的背影。。。 却又不敢面对他。。。 哈哈!!! 算了吧~~
有他,你过得很好。。 虽然会有不开心。。。 不过只要回想起开心的时候,一切都会回到原点。。。 没事的!! ^^
被说服了吗??不知道。。。 放下了吗??不懂。。。 那你想怎么样啦???不会啦!!!!!

开始勤励了吗??? 应该有吧。。。 哈哈!!! =P

Friday, September 4, 2009


没办法。。 真的无法入眠。。 @_@
然后呢就逼自己做physic咯。。。 大概只做了13题吧。。。 哈哈。。
然后就转向“婚尚”。。。 哈哈。。 是一本关于bridal trend的资料。。。 不要问我为什么读它。。。 我自己也不知道。。。 可能是太闷了。。。 =_=
哇。。。 婚纱永远都是“一级棒”的礼服!!!! ^^ (我个人还是觉得白色的礼服是最美的) 当然少不了许许多多的配角。。。
如:戒指~ 婚纱照~ 新娘鞋(高跟)~ make up~ ............................................ 等等 还有还有!!!! 新娘和新郎!!! 哈哈。。。 废话~~ o.O
你呢?? 你认为哪一样才是最重要的呢?? 且最值得留念的。。。
对了!!! 还有度蜜月~ 突然间好想旅行呃。。。。 =(

我读了一小段的东西。。。 分享分享一下。。。。
建议: 要嫁有过情感历史的男人

同意或是不同意??? ????? ??????? ???????????????? *_*

the end~~

Saturday, August 22, 2009




11.00am 起床~~ 等阿彤来载我们~~
12.15pm 到某kopitiam吃午餐+早餐~~
1.00pm 抵达协和中学~~ 坐下来等等等~~
2.45pm 轮到我们槟华(终于)~~ 超闷的.... 而且人面全非.... 不喜欢这种感觉....
6.00pm 收工回家~~

yoh.................. 无聊到!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
没办法.... 我们只奏两首歌.... 可是还得在那里standby.....

刚听了一些苦诉... 真的很不明白有些人的想法.....
他们这样的做法难道不会觉得不安吗?? 为了分数而做假??? 不理解....
我本来也很想这样... 可是真的觉得为了忙青卡的分数真的真的很累.... 所以算了吧....
为了分数而作弊..... 永远都不会忘记..... sia sui......... @_@

回想了几次.... 不否认如果不是一个好结局的爱情,我是不会要开始的....
不是我专一..... 而是因为我承受不了没有结局的结局......
然而我还在经历着未知数结局的爱情.... 这是当然的....
有谁又能知道/肯定他/她未来的另一半呢??? 事情有太多的变化了......

又要考试了啦............ 真的很懒惰呃........... 怎么办???????????????? =(
good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!
加油!!!!!!! ^^

Thursday, July 30, 2009


哇!!!! 怎么这世界会有这样多shit*的人啊????

你不喜欢她没关系.... 可是你也用脑想一想吧??? 你喜欢别的人是你的事啊... 干嘛还要向她倾诉呢???? 难道你不觉得其实她是很不愿意听的吗??? 有哪一个人会接受得来自己喜欢的人向她倾诉说他喜欢别的人??? 你难道真的feel不到她喜欢你吗?? 男人就是迟钝的动物!!! 暗恋人实在是很(x100)痛苦..... 整天都东想西想.... 东猜西猜..... 一不小心就会崩溃..... 男人大多都是花心的吗???? 还是喜欢和女生搞暧昧???? 而且还不止一个.... 过分!!!! really shit!!!!!!

什么叫看好他们这对??? 明明就是男的甩了之前的女友然后才和女的在一起....
女的明明就是当男的和前女友在一起时就有私心... 而且还装到和那前女友很好的样酱.... 然后就趁人家没有防备时攻击人..... 哇~~~~~
这样的人真的可以受到祝福吗???? 太过分了!!!!!!!!!!!! o.O
整天都说自己不好看??? 拜托啦你真的有这样谦虚吗???
不好看就不要放酱多照片啦!!!! "洒命"啊???(cantonese)
现在看来全是错觉...... 女的shit le... 男的更shit!!!!

(这篇包含了不雅字体...请见谅....) =P

to be continue..........

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

muet result~~~

ya..... act i'm ok and ntg with it....
but dunno why.... my heart started to xxxx and i felt upset with it......
although i have already predict that i will only get band3 but still i cant get out from wat i'm having now...... =( haiz....... reali reali sad...........
half of my class got band 3... but only 3 of them going to retake only.....
i'm headache with it..... i'm out of mind whether am i going to retake again or just leave it.....
haiz................ sienxxxxx lah!!!!!!!!!!!
most of my seniors suggest me not to retake.... bcoz band 3 already enough to get into U... but one thg is still have to depends on da course u wan to choose...
besides tat... when tat miss angeline cum into our class to give us the muet result... she suggested to retake for those who get band3 or 2.... bcoz no one can ensure tat the shit gov will change the rules of application for U or not.... argh~~~~~ tat's y until now i still cant make my decision... =(
i have many thgs wan to say one act..... but some forget already so will post it next time.... @_@
and hor......... i get a low band 3 only..... if i have tat luck to upgrade a little bit after i have retake... i thk it can only up to high band 3...... T_T
and after the retake test we have to immediately prepare to sit for stpm..... it is too rush already.... those who wan to retake again have to go for muet lesson..... so means tat when u are buzy and do "harkwork" with muet... others ppl is preparing for their stpm.... so y i still wan to thk more about it??? my 4 subject already "pua tang zhui" liao.... if i used up my time on muet, i reali cant imagine the % tat i cannot get into U.....
anyway..... above is the reason y i dun wan to retake..... but..............................................
i'm scare tat i will REGRET~~~~~~~ T_T haizx.............................
so................... conclusion is....................................
I'M NOT GOING TO RETAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah~~~ cheer for it................(finally i make da decision) =p sampat le lah....
last but not least..... congratualate to wen hui and fern~~~~ both of u reali do well on it..... continue gambate!!!! ^^

Saturday, July 4, 2009

An earlier celebration for my 19th~ birthday....

9/7..... my important day.....
should thx to my mom and dad first... coz no them=no me... haha...
we plan to celebrate earlier.... coz during skul day we cant out for whole day....
so we celebrate on 3/7.... yea... it is too early d..... @_@ bo huat lah....
we went for transformer..... it is not bad.... but not as gud as i thk so....
so it is not worth to watch it twice... coz ah theng decide to watch it again.... @_@
and thank you for accompany me watch this movie again.... ^^
after 2 & da half hour... we cum out from the cinema.... omg.... i'm nearly in excited state... haha...
phy student should be understand my meaning... haha... =P
then we headed to where AGAIN??? haha.... popular lah for sure.... is tat my fav place?? no lah... just bcoz of no place to shop mah... XD i met phey rong there... i always forget she works there... lo mo already.... @_@
then we went to eat western food.... bhind the Lg.... (i thk so)
still ok lah.... but not as nice as i thk.... never drink mocha there... no taste at all... -_-
ps: sorry for sudden change of my reaction.... i cant control my emotion when i heard tat u will be going to have a ns gathering day during bon o dori... at first i tot is only guys.... but at last u told me still including gals... okie... i will accept it although i deny it....
should i find a gang of frens go to the bon o dori??? i dunno.... i reali dunno....
i have no idea... my mind is kosong kosong kosong now.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


在好奇心之下.... 不对不对.... 应该说在吃醋心之下.... 哈哈...
也不能说是很离谱或是...... 不懂如何解释啦... 总之呢对于我来说这是个满惊人的消息....
之前我很不明白为什么已经有女朋友了的男生可以如此亲密的跟别的女生拍照... 难道你就不顾虑你女朋友的感受吗??
虽然你们是朋友可是也应该适可而至吧... 我还以为是我太敏感... 原来并非每个人都能接受得来...
后来我无意中发现原来真的是他们太过分了.... 他们是已经分手了.... 原因是什么我就不是很清楚... 不过我觉得是那个男的"负"了他... 不是我有偏见.... 而是那个男的一和人家分手就和别的女生有亲密的照片.... 这未免太快了吧???! 你有看过这样的男生吗??(现在到处都是...)
之前听人家说那个男的很疼他... 女的虽然任性了一点不过还是很爱他... 我觉得他们真的很可惜....
哇!!!!!!! 我真的是越来越讨厌那个女的了!!!!!!!!! 说一句不好听的... 没脑!!!!
算了.... 也不关我的事... 只是不知道这种事情几时会发生在我身上.... 悲观一点有时候是让自己有多一点的心理准备.... 至少如果真的发生了我们不会不知怎么办才好....
无中生有..... 你听过吗??? 为何你偏偏要这样呢???

Friday, June 5, 2009


am i reali having holiday now????
it's sooooooo sien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARHHH!!!!!
ntg to do when free.... just can only on9... watch tv... then??? anythgelse???
unhealthy..... XD
ok.... now talk about my holiday schedule...
monday-practice.... 8am-12.30pm... @_@
tuesday-piano lesson....
wednesday-practice again.... haizz....
thursday-math tuition.... sien neh sitting there.... =_=
friday-woo~~ can relax this day... but gok ga sien!!! ntg to do at home... whole day on9 onli...
saturday-practice practice & practice lor..... yoy....
sunday-family day?? should be lah... but still da same location we go... where?? sunshine farlim lo.... @_@
sumtime quite enjoy when practice.... but 1 week 3 times e....
sumore we need to train from 8am-3pm on next mon.... x_X
20/6 gok ga charm... until 6pm....
yea.... my holiday reali quite pack leh.... no time for me to dating and shopping also....
in addition... i have no money too.... T_T sobx sobx... =(
finally i went to watch "angel & demons" d.... quite nice.... and interesting the story...
while "night at the museum" is sosososososo funny.... haha... i was not regret for watching it... haha... left 9 days more then will be re-skul again.... =(

Sunday, May 31, 2009


yoh!!!!!! y must u always like tat???
dun wan talk just tell me lah... i hate u!!!!!!!
u noe i have already miss u so many days d....
but wat ans u gave me???
just a "byebye" word..... ok!!! tat's fine!!!!!!
i'm not suppose met u in da concert... i will just let u thought tat i'm not going to support u...
ya.... u tend to thk so one act....
u dunno.... wat u also dunno....
if not bcoz of u.... i wont so desire to go to the concert....
once i heard u say tat u are going to take part in the concert... i decide to go d....
ya.... just bcoz of u......
i hate myself too... i'm tired reali.... of ur behaviour...
arhh!!!!!!!!!! want to shout out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haizzz............. i dunno wat am i doing now.... reali dunno....

Sunday, May 24, 2009


It is our day!!!!

4 years d....

说短不短... 可是说长不长.....

所以呢不管它是否长短... 我都觉得它值得让我高兴...珍惜以及留念~~~

在这一天.... 我的愿望是每一年的今天都可以和你一起庆祝..... ^^


Friday, May 22, 2009

Free of exam!!!!!!!!!!!!

不过真的松下来了呃当把最后一张试卷交上去的时候..... ^^
可是就是有人问我:"是不是太压力了.... 很拼是吗.... 读到很夜啊??? 你看起来很憔悴呃....
@_@ 我看起来像是在很努力吗???
不可能吧.... 虽然不是很努力不过也有读啦.... 只是不会是那种读不完就不睡的人..... XD
如果不睡的话我真的不敢想象叻..... 哈哈......
所以我要补眠咯!!!!! kakaka.....
很多戏上映了可是还没看呃..... T_T
趁现在有空又还没出成绩一定要先玩个够够!!!!!! muahahaha.
一个星期后就放假了...... 两个星期呃....
好怀念以前我们一起练习的那段日子....... =(
现在大家都各奔前程了...... 应该都在也没有什么机会一起表演了....
考着试的人祝你们gud luck!!!!!!! ^^
今晚又有商业演出了..... 在pisa.... 好象是第一次.... (除了千人汇演)

Friday, May 1, 2009




是因为我依赖性强嘛...... =P

以为我压力很大.... 大到连学校都不肯去.... 哈哈....
那时是因为我不够睡啦.... 所以才会导致我每天都迟醒.... =P

只是觉得读中六的书真的很累..... 太难太难了....
而且不像以前那样有耐力读到三更半夜... 是老了吗??? 哈哈....
我不是没有读书... 只是读得比较少和没有深入的了解....
不过你们放心吧..... 你的女儿怎样也会让自己考上大学的.... 帮你们省钱嘛.... XD

两个星期过后又要考试了.... 总觉得今年的考试日期越来越接近....
害得我们都喘不过气来了.... @_@
很想出去玩..... 想去旅行..... 太闷了..... =(
可是又没钱... 又没时间..... haizzz.....
算了..... 还是要等考完stpm再说..... x_x
gambate for coming speaking test~~~
then mid-year exam......
then holiday~~~~~~ woohooo~~

Thursday, April 30, 2009



we were having farewell, eat steamboat and laugh laugh laugh with our miss ooi!!!
she is my primary school 's fren.....
we met since we are so so so young.... haha.... coz we are now 19th d... T_T
our friendship how long d???? ermmm.... since standard 4 izzit?? i thk so....
forget d.... such a long long time ago le..... haha.... almost 10 years lo.... wow.... @_@

i still remember that we went to cikgu khoo or khor?? tuition together... then "CAT" tuition... he is damn 'xxxx' teacher.... he drove a 'CAT' car so we cal him CAT... haha... and then form 1 we went to Anthony's tuition but at da end u left...
so so so miss the time we went to genting together... having fun and laugh and adventure together over da whole day.... >.<

we will miss u~~ take care over there lah!!!
and gud luck~~ all da best yoo... ^^
hope still can stay contact wif u my friend----
Frens forever!!!!!! >_^

Sunday, April 26, 2009


开始有点懒惰写blog le.....

连读书也觉得很疲惫.... 很不想读.... 虽然考试即将来临了...
很累啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @_@

muet刚考完..... 完蛋了啦.... 可能连band 3 都拿不到呢..... =(

至少现在少了一科muet.... 然后呢还剩maths, PA, chem, phy!!!!!!ishhhh...... 讨厌你们!!!!!!!!!!!!

maths是还好.... 不过有时候还真的摸不着头脑....... 补习更不用说.... 那个ah woo 越讲越快... 以为我们每个人都有在班上听课的meh???? 气死人!!!!

PA需要学的东西越来越多.....越来越复杂......也越来越难!!!!最惨的就是每次上kenegaraan的节时,肯定会zzzZZZ.... yoh..... 我真的不想这样啊.... 可是就是控制不了..... T_T

至于chem嘛..... 光是要会那些alkene...alkane....ketone....etc 的"名称"和写法都快要疯了!!!!!!!

phy ar phy................ 谁可以救救我啊???? 我很讨厌你.... 可是你又是我所读的main sub...
sien ar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

这还不用紧.... 更可怕的是当你知道你没有被批进入大学时..... 崩溃掉了吧到时候..... @_@

Thursday, April 2, 2009


现在正追着张小娴的"魔法蛋糕店"..... 迟一点就轮到藤井树的了....
这是真的吗?? 难道要等到患得患失的时候才去珍惜它吗??
万一你真的永永远远失去它时呢?? 才来后悔吗??



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Regret.... 后悔还是不服气??




我没有理由说是后悔没被选上吧... @_@

我还真的宁愿他没有被选上... 不过如果再给他选一次,他应该会选择去回...


虽然很怕晒黑... 不过真的蛮想去体验一番.....

不知为什么只要有人跟我提起NS的事情.... 我就很很很不愿去听....




成熟吗?? 屁啦!!! 还不是一样!!!



ish.... 气死我了.....

当时常听到人家说去NS的人都会双双对对的回来..... 或在那里找到男/女朋友... 果然是真的叻...

譬如说我有一个朋友也是在那里跟他的男朋友相遇的... 哈哈!! 浪漫吧??
三个月都不能等... 那还学人家谈恋爱!!!

不过说真的... 遥远的距离真的很累... 不是不能等... 而是看不到那人在遥远的心....

很庆幸的我们终于熬过了那三个月... 接下来也不知道我们将要遇到的距离有多长....
真的不会有问题吗??? 还能像以前那样吗??------->未知数~~

haiz.... 算了.... 只是想发泄一下..... =(

Monday, March 30, 2009

无聊才结婚?? 哈哈....


然后我就下定决心要借它下来.... XD

为了什么呢?? 我也不知道... ?_? 不过肯定不是我想嫁啦.... 哈哈!!!





他里边的文章很多.... 差不多每一篇都是在讽刺着现代的男生....


她分析出来的东西有些可能太过于夸张.... 不过可以说几乎80% 是正确的.... =_=

不过这本书我已经还给图书馆了... 所以没办法列出来她的文章....

不然肯定让你读得津津有味.... (for girls only) 哈哈!!! XD

Thursday, March 26, 2009


今天刚好睡到差不多要醒的时候... 电话就响了... 我本来以为是他借朋友的电话打给我...
怎知换来的却是另一把声音.... 他的朋友... 他问我他现在有没有跟我在一起... 我就"har?? impossible... it is soo late already...." -_-'''---> 这是我当时脑海里所讲的... 哈哈...
然后我就说"没有啊,有什么事吗??" 接下来听到的还真的被吓到了.... 他说"他不知道去哪里了,他妈妈也找不着他..." 然后我竟然不知怎的音量提高了.. 回了一声"har????" @_@
其实那时也开始慌了... 心想酱夜了他还会去哪里呢?? 连妈妈也找不到他... 而且整个下午都没有一封信息... 难道是去剪头发了?? 不可能吧.... 如果是的话也会通知人一声啊... 心越想越急... 担心说万一在今天的'新闻报报看'上看到他的照片怎么办??(是有点sampat lah..) 然后就send了一封信息给他的朋友说如果联络到他了就告诉我... 他说他尽量去联络他其他的朋友...
吃饱饭后他的朋友打来告诉我他在学校打球... 正回着家... 这时我终于松了一口气...
过后就赶紧打去他家里看看他是否到家了... 可是没人听电话... 不过我的电话响了... 哈哈... ^^
你看吧?? 是不是很多人关心你呢??? 安慰吧??? 哈哈.... XD
说真的当时我着急的很.... 还真的想打去问看你妈妈..... @_@
你平安就好~~ ^^

redbox time!!!!!!!! XD
第一次跟你一起去唱-k e....
还以为唱不了多少.... 你还酸我肯定会唱到一半不唱....
muahahahahh.... 你错咯!!!!!! XD
其实跟你一起唱-k真的满爽.... 唱到够够!!!
还有... 我一定会记得你的那首rap song... good good... haha... =P
下次我们再去拼过!!! 哈哈~~
喂!!! 那不是无聊.... 只是女生的一种正常反应好不好.....
我没有不相信你.... 只是万一问题是出在对方身上呢??? 你会拒绝吗??
真的很怕你知道吗.... 感情越久经历的东西真的越来越多了.... =(
haiz..... 算了吧.... 想酱多真的太累了... 就因你一句话所以呢我'暂时'不去想了..... =P
再见络'多想'的脑袋~~~ byebyezzz....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

free from exam!!!!!!

yeah.... finaly.... 3 days suffer-ing....
but it seem like no hard work for the 3 days....
coz......... my result still very very teruk... yyy???
am i not putting much effort on it?? or i have already try my best but stilll....... ????
math result never get that kind of level.... so sad...
just bcoz went up to form 6 d... then u see??? my math.... omg.... dunno how can i get this kind of marksss..... ishhh!!!!!
but at least my phy no fail.... muahahhaha... just pass on tat mark... haha!!! -_-
how bout chem??? dunno... i thk not tat good.... i hate chem for last year... but this year quite ok lah... just bcoz of my school teacher... haha... although this year not so hate it... it is still wont in a good markss... T_T
PA!!!!!!!! GRAPH??????????? x_X reali die for it.... how bout the kenegaraan???
haiz.... i spent so much of time reading it.... but how cum get so many wrongss??? oohh... sim tia...
i also look through the type of graphs ar.... but y still do wrong punya... yoy... if i din do the percentage i thk kakaka..... i will get full markss??? haha... hope so...
muet.... i tot muet will be da easier.... yy??? coz just nid read the comprehension and answer it... ABCD.... circle... but the comprehension so chim........ read so many times still cant understand....
@_@ suak lah... test only.... we should "look" further.... -------> STPM...... XD
woohoo~~ end of test d............. can go play loo................. ^^
1) red-box
2) badminton
3) movie
4) shopping
5) eat!!!!
6) check mail
7) piano ( quite long time din touch it d)

Friday, March 20, 2009


哈哈... 我刚读完一篇关于星座的分析...


现在想回还真的觉得有点白痴... XD

其实星座之类的东西我觉得满合理而且也满准的.... 所谓"宁可信其有"吧....

可是它有时又会令到我很苦恼.... 太过于迷信它也会让自己迷失方向...








哈哈.... 我想我还做不到吧.... 因为....



当然,如果蟹蟹真的决定放弃了,它的坚决会让所有人吃惊。 要记住:除了你自己,没有人可以伤害到你 蟹子是痴情的,但又不善于表达,面对自己心爱的人拘谨、放不开。它们的幽默感此刻变得生涩。 蟹子是深情的,但又不善于把握,为什么一次次控制不住自己的情绪,说出明知不该讲的话?







不过要维持一段感情真的需要忍耐力,包容心及勇气...对了!! 还有信任!!

To my friends...

pomg~~ add oil and dun give up.... mayb he is not ur Mr Right.... but outside there still have sumone waiting for uu... ^^

fern~~ 作最坏的打算固然是对的...不过我们也应该试一试最好的打算... ^^

write untill here~~ to be cont after exam....
still have many to talk here.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

first test in 2009.....

school is just around da corner...
not fully prepared yet......
but act my everytime preparation also not in fully state one..... XD
dunno yyy i'm now so lazy to study...
not like last time...
full of energy...
can read until midnight.....
now???? izzit old d???? 19 only wor.... impossible leh....
looking my all frens pia-ing for da stpm....
i also wan be like them....
but still cant do it.......
i also scare tat cant get into UNI... but still dunno y dun have tat mode for study..... haizzz....
time past fast..... after few months going to face stpm d....
then tat is da time a new start happen....... long distance???? stilll can go along????? dunno.....
future is an invisible thgs..... it nids time for us to go through it and travel da journey.....
sobxxx...... gambate gambate!!!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Give up??

i start to have tat feeling.... start to feel tired.... and preparing to give up if anythg happen....
mayb as u say.... i'm reali xiao qi.... .but not only this... i'm more selfish than u thk...
i'm just a cin cai person... not selfish to other ppl.... but just for u...
i dun have tat "unselfish" to give up u.... tat's y i behave like a spy....
ha! when i have become spy?? u noe wat a spy's job??
tat is discover and korek everythg tat u desire to noe... and wont giv up a little bit chance...
is tat a person should do to remain sumthg??
dunno when i start to do such thg.... it is funny and wasting time doing all this thg...
but i just cant stop doing it.....
should i just put down my selfish thking??? or cont it???
if cont i scare dunno which day i will just give up and no more feeling....
if just let it gone i thk.............................................................................................................
i'm nt ready yet....
2 weeks more going to sit for exam.... reali lazy to open up da buks....
and next mon is da teory test.... wooo..... it is so early to take da test.... not fully prepared yet...
gud luck lah for myself and all of uuu who also going to face da exam....
add oil*** gambate!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

who is she act???? dui!!!!!

can u just disappear in my world mah???
although u not in my world... but ur name is always appear infront of me....
omg!!! i reali wan lost my control d lah.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yoh..... hate u..................
izzit u dunno tat he already got gf already??? mayb his gf not as pretty as u.... but.......
y u still nid his help??? is there no one can help u d????
shit one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
write blog jiu very geng lah hor??? yoh!!!! kek si le lah.....
u are his who??? y give him ur password wor???
his gf also din give him pun e.... arhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! siao one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i reali prefer tat ur hp will never can be open!!!! i'm selfish nowadays d..... yoh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stop!!!!!!!!! dun wan thk already.... if u wan change then u change lah!!!
if u wan help her then up to u lah... i dunno le lah... dunno still can say wat le lah....
jealous till cant jealous le lah.........................
haiz...... confusing~~~~~~~~
okok lah.... talk about my plans d...
tml after skul go to play badminton!!! wooohooo~~~
then sat got to do experiment... and then afternun go and find gail them.... 'han jiang' skul.... ish!!! hate it.....
then next week still dunno got kena the selection for kebersihan or not yet... to USM one... be ah sam.... @_@
then 27th going to have a dinner at komtar.... dunno got who who who e wedding.. @_@...
28th jit sin private has a concert at dewan sri... dunno got go or not....
then is next month already.... a camp is on 14 & 15th at youth park "relay for life"... tat time we have 1 week holiday... for wat??? for exam preparation.... @_@ then da last week of march going to sit for test d... scare~~~~~~~ @_@
after tat... we are going to join a badminton competition at CLHS.... with a team member bout 10 ppl.... is tat just go for play play only??? dunno..... -_-
tats alll......
will be update~~~
fern.... dun thk too much d.... thk too much reali will make ourself unhappy.... haiz... who cal us start to love a ppl le.... and da ppl is a guy.... guy??? haiz.... mo ngan tai....

Friday, February 6, 2009


arhhh!!!!! how can u say out tat u wont 100% trust me??
walao e... reali very hurt neh..... yoh.....
i noe i have do wrong already.... i repeat da same topic is just hope to get ur "liang jie" nia mah...
very sorry sorry sorry........ haizzzz..... i soooo... dunno how to say lah...
ur msg omg!!! reali "tajam" u noe???? hurt one e lo..... dui.....
dunno u use wat kind of feeling to type out tat msg e.... T_T
but anyway reali sorry lah.... T_T
when i noe u blog it on ur blogspot.... haiz....
suddenly like splash by cold water.... haizzz.....
i'm not diao di one.... i reali got fon u... and din thk tat "got fon liao jiu ok le"....
once i reach there and on day way e si i oso worrying can u wake up or not....
but then i reali dont have tat "ready" to fon ur house and tat time mayb ur parent at home.....
soli reali soli..... i oso noe tat u feel soli to ur fren... i oso paiseh on it.... but y can u just type out tat msg to reply me???? haizz....... T_T
izzit it's so hard to forgive a ppl???
and even tat ppl is ur loves one.....

~the most beautiful commitment----- believe~

Sunday, February 1, 2009

last day holiday.....

today is da last day of 1 week holiday for CNY....
sien noh..... time past fast.... gok nid go bk to skul d... hair gok nid cut short short again d...
hw nid to do d.... books nid to read d.... nid to go for tuition d.... arhhhh...... @_@
anyway... after tml 1 day bk to skul, tue holiday again.... woohoo~~~ coz of "pai ti gong"... ^^
at first decide tml nite go for steamboat one... but dunno parent allow or not... and tml go to cut hair le lo.... haizzz......
then tue go for badminton!!! yeah.... but tue got piano.... T_T sien nah........ dui....
hmmm...... i finally told him wat am i jealousing for d.... but act not very detail lah.... just hope he knew tat i'm very 'zai yi' da gurl.... and i just wan to hear his 'word'....
i also y i got this kind of 'yong qi' to say out.... mayb reali bu she de give up gua.... reali luv deeply d.... haizzz...... coz of u... i could cry on for many dayss.... very xin ku e u noe.... T_T
he told me not to luan luan jealous again d.... he say if he reali do wrong he will admit... reali??? i dunno.... i hope so.... man's promise reali can blif by us?? hope he is diff...
anyway.... i quite happy lah.... but is still very zai yi tat gurl lo.... cant control.... T_T i dun wan like... but it's too late coz he make me 'explore' tat gurl first one...
okok lah.... gonna start to study and concentrate d.... march got test d.... then holiday nid to pia d... -_- tis few days onward also got performance.... can earn money again d.... ~~~ and this sat nid to go and take da 'jiang xue jing'..... i not dun wan to take... but just dun like to go on this kind of function.... @_@
happy skul reopen to everyone!!!! and i miss u all my old frensss.... and miss u too~~ ^^

Friday, January 30, 2009

outing.... dissapointed....

today 12pm already go out d....
for underworld movie which i have waited for such a long time to watch it...
finally.... but it was not so nice as i thk so..... just bite here and there... @_@
number 12 cinema... it is so cold neh.... but another guy is colder than me....
then we went for lunch.... where??? haha... secret recipe again~~~ act i have no idea but then he wan me to decide then mah ok lo!!!!! he pay da bill at da end.... thx~~~
it's about 3pm++ we went to queue up for another movie... "The Wedding Game"...
omg.... so many ppl infront da counter.... pengsan... but ntg to do so just follow lo....
however.... there are only left 3 seats for da movie..... and it is separately....
so we decide not to watch it... and then i'm not going to follow wat i have done at qb cinema... so we ask for another movie.... "Inkheart"!! a nice show.... but i watch it b4 d....
i watch again... it is reali nvm to me if he reali wan to watch it... da show is still shown at cinema 2... wow... so popular meh???? @_@
at tat time i "discover"(found) sumthg.... wat i have said b4... i trust him... i dun blif wat i have seen and i dun wan guess anythg about him and her.... but it is reali heart pain.... very very very pain..... i try to behave ntg.. although i look reali down and less talk.... he knew i'm in bad mood.... but act u noe y??? i hope tat u noe y.... i'm trying to tell u tat i'm jealousing.... but i dunno how to tell u and how i noe tat gurl.... i'm sad!!!!!!!!!!!! although mayb it is a small thg and not suppose to care on... but i dunno y i will take it in heart and cant forget it..... can u help me??? and tell me u are ntg with her....
stop~~~ act i dun wan to hear tat so... coz if u tell me like tat i will gok ga sad onward.... i still rmb u told me tat sms-ing or contact-ing with "frens" is normal and ok... are u means tat to me??? sorry... i feel tat it is not ok...
anyway.... thank you for letting me noe tat u are still contact with her... by sms... ha!!! fern~~ i'm wrong izzit?? i finaly found it d... and thank you for giving me da bravery to say tat "i'm jealous!!" but how?? he has no response and action.... he tot i'm joking?? no..... i take it seriously...
okokokok..... i'm still thking about da thgs.... very confusing.... nid a rest.... stop here....
a nice dating but a sad outing at da end....

Thursday, January 29, 2009


wah.... 酱快就过了三天... 今天已经是初四了...

之前其实很期待新年的... 不过现在想起还真的超闷的....

今年来拜访的人数比往年少了... 当然!!! 红包的收入也跟着下滑...

我并不在意拿到的红包有多少... 不过你没有来至少也打个电话来说一声啊....

都不知道这些人怎样想的... 一没有来就整群人都跟着没来.... 无聊!!!

前几天去了老师家及婆婆家拜年... 也没什么特别的....

but then... after we went to teacher's house... we went to qb for movie..

when we reached there... its too late already... so i decided not to watch then...

but he is quite beh shiok... i noe y lah... coz we queu up for a long time then i just walk away without asking any show's time... then u sure angry lo... but then i have already check others time d.. it;s not match with our time...

i'm a little bit down.... haiz... finally it's ok lah... he say sorry... and myself also wrong lah.. sorry yea.... XD after tat we went to e-gate for 'supper' i thk so... first time went there leh... it's ntg... just a good palce for gathering... very noisy... starbuck is such a good feeling place but omg... so many ppl sit over there and talk talk talk... destroy da feeling d... yew~~

b4 posting this... i went to read his blog... i just discovered tat 'her' blog is in his list... act it's ntg... but dunno y my heart got a little bit pain and unhappy... reali reali bo song... mayb i'm scare... she is pretty(many ppl say tat)... noe how to make up.... tall... arhhh... sien lah... hate to compare this kind of thg... hate to care this kind of thg.. it's not me at all if i still continue to behave like this... i dun wan!!!!!!!!! haiz.....

算了... 顺期自然吧... 不是你的就不是你的... 他要走你也留不了...

Monday, January 26, 2009


first time???
first time wat???
of course blogging lah.....
bcoz already totally depressed...
not totally...
is just temporality.....

just a simple person..
i just wan as a gurl's wan...
is tat wrong??
i thk so.....
he dunno wat i angry for... sad for... mad for... and even happy for???
but actually i also even duno....
actully it is sad when my name is disappear in his blog...
i'm not living in his blog??
or his life??
or his heart??
is he treat me as last time i treat him?? (i not agree with him tat i treat him like tat for last time)
no way!!! it is different...
tat time is just a start.... and now we have walk through amost 4 years d...
ha!! ridiculous.....

a new year...
and starting a new blog...
for mine...
blue star....
happy CNY to my frensss... family....